Tuesday, November 3, 2020

November news

 We continue to learn new letters each week!  So far we have learned t,b,f,m,n,i,o,c,u,a,g,d, and s.  We practice printing them on our whiteboards and say the "letter, picture and sound".

We've worked on rhyming and syllables (those are always great to revisit at home.)  Say 2 words and see if your child can tell you if they rhyme or not, you can also say a word and see if your child can produce a rhyme.  Clapping parts out in a word can be practiced in the car, the bathtub etc

We're also learning number poems to help us with the formation of the numbers.  Ask your child to share the poems with you as s/he prints the numbers.  We are constantly counting objects/pictures and I always remind them to use a "system" to help them.  I model crossing out the pictures as I count so I don't count one twice or skip one.

Our Wednesday zoom meetings have been used for SEL (Social emotional learning), we talk about the theme of the month (November is kindness) and also for science.  We have been talking about weather/trees.  On Oct 28th we did a "candy corn" experiment.  I put a piece of candy corn in 4 different liquids to see what would happen.  The kids drew pictures of their predictions. I dropped the candy in the cups in front of the children and then took pictures 6 hours later.  This is what happened...

Pretty cool!  The kids made some great predictions!

The weather is getting chillier please remember to send your child with a warm coat, hat, gloves for our outdoor mask breaks, recess, and for days they have gym.