In math we have been working with numbers up to 100. We're looking at the number patterns on our 100s chart and learning that 38 is very different than 83! We are always practicing our number writing! We have also been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. By the end of the school year, our hope is that all children will be able to name and give an attribute for a circle, square, triangle, rectangle and hexagon (2D shapes) and for the 3D shapes...cube, cylinder, sphere, and cone. Look around your house, I bet your child can find some 3D shapes!
If I didn't mention at our conference, we have a new "behavior management system" in place. Students are "clipping up" for good behavior, being kind, cleaning up after themselves, being a good friend, taking care of the materials, listening and following directions (some of the areas that many children were struggling with). When a student clips up to "super student" 5 times, s/he can pick from the treasure box! It is very exciting for all! Thank you to Mrs. Wysocki for donating some of the special items in the treasure box.
Please remember to send back the progress report envelope signed.
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