Sunday, February 22, 2015

February news

Many thanks again to Mrs. Morello, Mrs. Vogt, Mrs. Sokolowski, and Mrs. Oliveto for a great Valentine's Day party!  The kids had a lot of fun!

I hope all the kids enjoyed their week off!  It looks like the cold weather isn't going away, please make sure your child has his/her warm outdoor clothing for recess.

We now have all our sight words on our word wall.  They are...a, am, and, at, can, dad, go, I, in, is, it, like, look, me, mom, my, on, see, the, to, we, and you.  The "trick words" for the Fundations unit we are in, he, she, for, of, with, said, and are.  (you should've received those before vacation)

Hopefully your child got a chance to read his/her "RAH" (Reading At Home) books.  These books are at his/her independent level and should not be challenging for your child.  These are meant to increase their confidence and the kids should not need too much support with them.  Please refer to the papers that were included in the bag for answers to most questions.  When your child brings the books back then they are able to borrow new books.  It is always exciting to take home new books!

I think the 26th will still be our 100th day!  The kids received a paper explaining that they may bring in a collection of 100 objects.  They can be glued onto a poster, a t-shirt, or put in a baggy...whatever works for you!  It is always fun to see what 100 really looks like!  Make sure it is something your child can easily transport to school.

You should have received an email with sign up information for the March conferences.  If you did not receive it, please let me know.

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