Thank you for helping your child to bring back his/her "Reading at Home" (RAH) books. Each Wednesday they will bring home 2 new books. These books are to help your child work on tracking print, using the pictures to assist with the words, looking at the beginning letter of a word to help them sound it out, and fluency (reading with accuracy, proper expression, & speed). These books are at your child's independent level, they are not meant to challenge your child but to help build on his/her reading skills and more importantly confidence :) More challenging texts are being taught at their instructional level (which is what I do during our reading group). Please send the books back in the bags they come in, these have your child's name on it and helps when they need to go back in their cubbies.
I will be sending home information about RAZ (Reading A to Z) Kids, this will allow your child to listen to, read, and answers questions about texts online. I want to start with their RAH books first and then give out the RAZ information. I don't want to overwhelm anyone with all this at once. This is not mandatory but just a another supplement to support your child.
We have been working on "tapping and blending" consonant vowel consonant (CVC) words. Hopefully you read the Fundations information and have noticed your child using this technique! It is very helpful for them distinguishing between the beginning, middle, and ending sounds. Those middle vowels are very tricky!
We have started "Informational" writing in writer's workshop. We are writing "how to" books. We have worked together on "How to wash your hands" and are working on "How to build a snowman". Eventually students will get to write their own "how to" books! When writing these, we are using 4 important words... first, next, then, and last.
We will begin subtraction this week! It will be a big mind shift from addition! We've talked about how the biggest number is always the answer (sum) in addition but now it will be the number we begin with.
Reminder if the temperature is above 20 degrees they will go out for recess, please send warm outdoor attire when needed.