Wednesday, November 21, 2018

November news

November is flying by!  We have been busy!  We saw a great performance and learned a lot about Veteran's Day from Captain Wilson and her son Noah.

We continue sounding out words and doing our best guess spelling.  In Writer's Workshop we've been writing "stories", some are made up and some are real.  The children are getting better at isolating sounds!  It is a lot of work!

We'll begin sorting and classifying objects when we return from break.  We'll continue with rote counting, number printing, counting objects and partner games.  The partner work is so important!  We work on taking turns, being honest (you may roll a 2 and want to say you got 5...) and being a good sport.  After playing a game we always shake hands (no matter the outcome) and say "good game". 

We had a wonderful feast!  It couldn't have happened without all the support and help from you!  Many, many thanks for the supplies and delicious treats that were sent in.  The kids had a lot fun!  Here are a few pictures from our feast.  Everyone will have pictures in their memory books!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  

Thursday, October 25, 2018

October news

It is hard to believe October is almost over!   We've been busy working on new letters each week!  Learning how to print them and their sounds.  We started working on a weekend update every Monday too.  We're drawing pictures and using our "best guess spelling" to write the letters we hear.  Everyone is working so hard (especially since we haven't learned all the letters yet!) We are also adding sight words to our word wall.  Right now we have the words a, am, an, and, at, can, I, in, is, it, in, on, to, and see.  We've been building these words with tiles, playing sight word tic tac toe and circling them in our morning message. 
We've been talking about characters (animals or people) in the books we've been reading and how many stories have a "problem" that needs to be solved. 

In math we continue looking at numbers 1-10, practicing the formation by using number poems, counting objects, and using 10 frames to help us.

Of course we always have time to play with our friends and work on being a good friend.  Our value this month is responsibility.  We have been talking about what that means and what that "looks" like.

We had a marine biologist visit us today for the Ocean World program!  We got to hold live sea creatures!

Our Halloween parade and party is Oct 31st please make sure your child brings his/her costume in a labeled bag.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

First Day!

We had a great first day today!!  We did soo much!  We had our snack, we did calendar, we listened to the Kissing Hand  we made our own kissing hands, we took a tour of the building, we went to art, we had recess and lunch, free time with our friends, went on a scavenger hunt in the class and ended the hunt with picking something out of the treasure box!  We were busy!  It was a HOT day but everyone worked hard and did a fantastic job!

Thank you to all who have sent in their paperwork, supplies, smocks, and rest time blankets!  I appreciate your attention to this!  If you have missed something please try to send it in this week.

I gave each child a plastic folder to put any notes or papers from home in.  Please let your child know if there is something s/he needs to give to me.  This folder should stay in the backpacks so papers/work can be taken home each day.

Here are some pictures from free time today...

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Field day!

What a wonderful field day we had!!  The weather cooperated for our picnic and our field events!  Everything was terrific!  Many thanks to those of you who could come to our class and enjoy the outside activities!

It's hard to believe the year is coming to an end?!  How is it that this class is going to first grade already?  I want to thank everyone once again for all your hard work and effort this year!  I appreciate your support! The kids had a great year!  I hope you have a wonderful, restful summer!  

Monday, May 28, 2018

Fun at Southwick Zoo!

Many thanks to Mrs. Beck, Mrs. Graber, Mrs. Lorusso,  Mrs. Maxymillian-Wheeler, and Mrs. Murphy for chaperoning our zoo trip!  We appreciate all your help!  We had a great day with great weather!

Reminder that field day is June 4th.  Meet in the class 11:45, picnic 12:10-12:40 and field events 12:40-2:40.